- Together, let's create the world of tomorrow!
Become a Domeco affiliate partner
Domeco is much more than products and services.
It is also a community of professionals
and artisans who share the same values
and who wish to be actresses and actors
of the transformation of the design industry
and construction.
Welcome to players from the following sectors
Architecture ○ Design
Renovation ○ Construction
Second hand ○ DIY
Organization ○ Minimalism
Lifestyle ○ Nature
We select quality members since we offer impressive profitability.
Enriching knowledge on ecological nested products thanks to our exclusive and free training for members.

Be a distinctive player in the market to acquire niche customers who are more receptive to your value-based offering.

Increase in awareness and turnover thanks to the network of Domeco customers and partners.

Creation of interesting and informative content for your network and your subscribers which convey ecological and solidarity values within our industry.

Alleviation of entrepreneurial isolation by participating in meetings with members of the Domeco professional community. Spirit of growth through exchanges and sharing.

Creation of digital resources, articles and interactive content, while receiving short and medium term monetary compensation for the work produced.

The qualities and expertise sought
Ecological awareness
Spirit of sharing
Vector of change
The affiliate program
100% committed - $0 in subscription fees - 100% paid
We offer three methods, depending on the type of profile and expertise of the affiliate, to get involved and join the Pro Domeco community.
Creation of content (video or text), according to a predetermined frequency. The content may be about a Domeco product or service
Monetary amount determined in advance for the work performed.
Discount on sales of products associated with the creation of the content.
Writing articles according to a predetermined frequency which highlights the expertise provided by the company and that of Domeco.
Full rate monetary sum for work performed or reduced rate monetary sum with commission on repeat sales made through work performed.
Creation of paid digital resources and training offered to other industry professionals, in a mastered subject. Domeco residential and commercial project collaboration
Monetary sum at full rate for the resources carried out and fees for the projects carried out for Domeco clients
All details regarding subscription types will be presented to you in the contract.

Add your voice to ours and join forces!
Please communicate your interest by email including a short presentation.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Please note that our selection criteria for future members are based on values and a common vision.
Therefore, you must have been authorized to join the Pro Portal before completing the application for membership in the affiliate program.